Monday, July 20, 2009

Things I'm Thankful For

I think I ought to counter that last post with one that reminds me and everyone who might read this, that I am actually thankful for so many things.

I'm really not always overwhelmed, sad, or pessimistic. In fact, even though I've had a very busy summer working many more hours than I think I "should" I am capable of looking on the bright side of things.

Today in fact, I'm thankful for things I didn't even remember to be grateful for last week.
Take the van, I drive, for example. After a week of charging the battery nearly everytime I wanted to go somewhere, today I finally got a new battery. Now every time I get in the car it starts all by itself. I'm grateful!

I'm grateful that I have a bike I could ride to work this morning. I'm grateful that my body was healthy enough to make that happen.

I'm thankful for good people in my life who call at "just the right time" and friends who are willing to help watch the kids when I need it most. I don't mean to get teary eyed while I write this, but in the last several months I've had so many people care for me. Their kindness overwhelms me. I have such a desire to be cared for and they remind me that I am.

I'm thankful to have a job that I enjoy and people who appreciate the things I do.

And despite that last post, I'm thankful that I have 3 great kids. I remember a time before I had children when I wanted so much just to be a mom. It's good for me even now to remember that deep longing and desire I had. That's when I'm sad that I've not done better, but that's not what this post is about.

This post is just about being grateful for the things I sometimes forget to be grateful for. There are so many.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I'm thankful for you - your friendship, courage and example! And I'm back in town now for the rest of the summer, so if you need any help I'm here!