Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mine too, Honey, Mine Too

I was cleaning off the desk today and found one of Breanne's kindergarten pictures that I was going to file, but still haven't gotten around to doing it. I may file it, but I'm scanning it first. My heart aches that summer is basically over. I'll add this here as part of my grieving process.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sliding Rock

These are just a few pictures that highlight my littlest adventurerer.
We're ready to back with friends again soon.
If anyone is game, just let me know.
The water is mountain run off. It's absolutely freezing.
Not an activity for the faint of heart.
And so much fun!

Monday, August 24, 2009

On the Motherhood Test Today I Just Got an A

It was one of those tests where my oldest son threw an ugly fit because he wasn't ready for school in time. As his panic increased so did his rage.

Rewind to Friday when I went to a few classes at BYU education week.
Joy and Gary Lundberg re-taught me something I was able to practice this morning.

1. Validate their feelings.

2. Establish the boundary with kindness, gentleness, love, and firmness.

Me: You sound pretty frustrated that you're not ready for school.

Child (screaming at me): Yea, well you're FINALLY noticing.

Me: Sounds like you're really having a tough time?

Child (sreaming at me): Duh, mom!? I'm not going to school now. Throwing his bike onto the driveway.

Me: (saying a silent prayer. Please help me to say the right things. I didn't get angry or yell at him. I actually genuinely felt sorry for him not getting a good start to his day.) If I drive you to school, you'll have to walk home because you won't have your bike. Is that what you want to do?

This child continued to rage and fume. I stayed calm, loving, and sympathetic.

Infact, you know what the Lundbergs said on Friday? They said that when you establish a clear boundary it gets worse before it gets better. They told stories that taught this well. Now I have one of my own.

Once in the car he broke his pencil and then pulled the sun visor out of the car ceiling, ruining the van. I was shocked but I said very lovingly, "Wow that will cost a lot of money to fix." I resisted the urge to say anything else.

Do you understand how monumnetal this is? Today I didn't yell. I was kind and loving. I was gentle AND firm. It's like the coming together of years of reading books, going to seminars, and classes.

Oh, yes I know there will be more tests. I'm just not ready to move on to those until I celebrate this one.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School

Summer is officially over. All my children are in school the whole day. It's Collin's birthday. Wow, it's a big day.