Saturday, March 28, 2009

IronMoores Rise Again

Getting ready for the Adventure--100 meter swim, 3 mile bike, 1 mile run

The annual Icebreaker Triathlon in our town was today! I didn't think the
kids would do it this year, but sometime last week
(after our good neighbor fixed the flats on the kids' tires--Thanks Mike)
they started begging me to sign them up.
Doing a race with friends makes it even better!
That's a Happy Face at the Finish line

My Favorite Breanne Quotes During the Race

1. "I'm doing this for fun and for the exercise." Her way of saying, I'm having fun and it doesn't matter if everyone beats me. That was at the beginning of the bike when it was still fun.

2. "Triathlon is a lot harder than I thought." That was when she was trying to get her bike up the hill, and starting to really feel the difficulty of the whole venture.

3. "This is torture." Still, on the hill with her bike. (I had to smile here, because I know this feeling. Couldn't help but wonder if God ever smiles on us like I did her at that moment? Yes, it feels like torture, it won't last forever. Look, how well you're doing? Keep going.)

4. "I should get the trophy for best rib hurter." Early into the run she made this comment. Even though she says it was just for fun, I'm sure a part of her really wanted to be recognized among all the athletes for her efforts. Oh, did she ever have a side ache! In her mind, it must have been the one greater than all others worthy of the prize!

Connor ended up getting a ribbon for 2 place in 8-10 year old age group. Breanne got a ribbon for third in the 7 and unders.

I'm so happy for them. What a fun day!


Tavia said...

Hooray and congratulations! That's awesome...I think I've used some of the exact quotes as Breanne. Hee, hee!

Ash said...

I love it! I love hearing "Breanne quotes" along the way. She is an example to us all! And way to go Connor! I feel inspired to do a triathalon myself.

The Michiganders said...

What little athletes and what a great accomplishment! Way to go!

Loved comment number three--such a true analogy to life.

Crystal said...

That's awesome Jenn. I think it's so neat that they did that!

The Barbers said...

Good for them. I imagine that you would have heard similar comments from me.
(Left you an e-mail about this weekend.)