Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Daughter the Fashion Designer

I really should have taken a picture of this. I think at the time, though, I was in much too deep of denial. I tried to get her to put her clothes on the right way for Sunday. Well, truthfully, I didn't try that hard.

Breanne wore the sweater over her dress in a "fashionable" way to church on Sunday. Instead of putting her neck through the opening for her head she put the whole front of the sweater behind her so only the sleeves were on the right way. The sweater then was draped behind her instead of being on her chest. She got away with it too. It looked "fashionalble." If her hair didn't cover the neck whole in her back it would have been problem, but it did.

She reminds me daily that when she turns 8 grandma will teach her to sew. I guess she and Ross were talking about it the other day. She mentioned that she would learn how to do blankets, and she couldn't wait. And Ross, said, "What about clothes? Do you want to learn to sew clothes too?" He said her eyes got wide with excitement as the idea started to form in her head, because this was a new discovery. And she said, "Yes!"

1 comment:

Ash said...

I love it! Maybe Breanne should have been my daughter. I enjoyed seeing all the pictures of your kids and cousins. Wish I could have shopped with you guys on Black Friday and I wish I could see you guys at Christmas. :( Anyway, it's good to see you on the internet. :)