Sunday, January 10, 2010

Church Today and other rambling

Breanne gave a talk in Primary today. "Our Daily Bread" is a flannel board story from the library that we picked up. It's a simple story about graditude. Simple stories really are the best ones, right?

I don't have any amazing or extraordiaray news about how she memorized the whole thing. She didn't. In fact she had long pauses sometimes between ideas and some of her words were difficult to understand because she either spoke too close to the mic or too fast. Still, I sat in the back smiling ear to ear, so happy to see my little girl giving her best. She was confident and happy. The same way she does everything.

Collin wore his new sweater vest to pass the sacrament. I think it's a men's size M. Someone at church commented to me that he looks "just like his father." Yes. He does, only with red hair. Collin was putting dishes away this week and told me that he can reach the top shelf now, when last week he couldn't. He's shooting up and is officially taller than his mom. I'll take a picture soon.

Connor likes to sit right next to me at sacrament and cuddle with me. It's really sweet and I love it. He started basketball yesterday, and has a game practically every Sat. from now through the middle of March. Dave, Esta's husband, has agreed to take him to all of his games. Whew! I have a swimming meet this Sat. and it's tough to be in two places at once. Connor could have been at the meet too, but since basketball season doesn't last forever and swimming season does, I'm letting it go. I suppose if Dave has his way Connor will be a basketball star. I wouldn't complain, since bball can be more fun to watch than swimming.

That reminds me, Connor and Breanne went with me on Friday night to BYU vs. TCU swim meet. We had a great time and then went to get shakes after at the creamery. Collin and his dad stayed home to read books. Wonder if they'll ever understand that they're missing out? Watching swimming isn't for everyone, I guess. Then again, if I got bball tickets I'm not certain they'd want to come either. Hmm? I think maybe I'll look into getting some. I bet we'd have a ton of fun.

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