Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February around here

We celebrated Connor's birthday at home with a cake and also to the movies to watch Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. Connor was disappointed that the makers of the movie did not follow the book more closely. I thought the changes in the movie were interesting changes, and that overall it was a fun adventure show for boys.
Connor's been playing basketball thanks to the extra help Dave has been giving him teaching him on Fridays to dribble and shoot. I can tell he's improved a ton in the last month that he's been playing. Of course I couldn't get any of my action photos to show up, but if I do then I'll be sure to post pictures.

This was the heart shape pizza Ross made for Valentine's day. It was a huge success. I see a new tradition here. I can't believe we haven't been doing this for the kids for years.

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