Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What I Admire About You

In my effort to see the good in life and to share the things that buoy me up I've updated my other blog. The Peacegiver by James L. Ferrell and Dr. Wally were two of my most recent posts on What I Admire About You.

I got an email from Dr. Wally this morning that brought to tears to my eyes because he said he would have liked to meet me. This is his response to my post. "Wow. How kind of you to list me as one you admire on your blog. I'm amazed by your kindness. It seems that you use your blog to celebrate life. What a wonderful thing to do! I wish you had introduced yourself at Education Week. I would have loved to meet you! In fact, I wish Nancy and I could have taken you to dinner so we could visit. I think we would have been enriched by learning from your soul. I would love to know about you and your life story. Blessings,Wally"

That's just one more reminder to me of what humility looks like, and I'm so grateful to be learning.

1 comment:

Valerie said...


I hope I'm not annoying you with all these comments, but I was so excited to find the link to info on Dr. Goddard! I've been cleaning out my file cabinet, and found an essay written by Dr. Goddard the day he got tenure, called "Doing Some Good" His son, Andrew, was serving in my mission, and shared it in district meeting. He graciously made me a copy, and I kept it, because it spoke to my heart. I just recently reread it, and as my husband is going through a very harrowing last year of grad school, I thought he could relate, and gave it to him to read. His article mentions that he is field was parenting, and I'd been wanting to find some of his literature. Wish I'd known he spoke at education week, 'cuz I was luckily able to attend one day last month. Anyways, I'm excited to check out his blog. Your blog really is inspiring, and has so many great ideas and links! On the risk of sounding totally cheesy, I'm glad that Ross married such an amazing woman!!