Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A child shall lead them

You know when you have those times when your kids teach you more than you teach them. I had one of those with Breanne yesterday. She informed that her brain has channels.

Not only does her brain have channels but she can change them when she wants. She says she learned it when she woke up and she was on a different channel than the dream she had remembered earlier. I especially liked when she said, "So if I have a nightmare, or don't like my dream, I just need to change the channel." I asked her more than once where she had heard that from and she said, "I just know it from my dreams."

I'm sure I could use some help changing the channel on my thoughts the last month or so. Boy, it's been hard to be positive and see the good around me, but perhaps my mind has just been on the wrong channel.


The Barbers said...

It's funny that she discribes her brain that way. I remember being able to tell myself that what I was experiencing was just a dream and to wake up. And I did too.

Molly said...

Hey what is going on here. I mean, I love this post about Breanne and all, but I miss your postings! Come back to the blogging world Jenn....we miss you!

Seivert/Webb Family said...

Hey there!

I'm just so curious? Are you like me; and think that sometimes things are just TOO HEAVY to be all that positive? This is a personal struggle all the time...we should talk!