Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cooking and baking with whole wheat

I like to make soup and bread at this time of year. It's getting colder so I don't mind having the oven on.

I was also inspired recently by Lisa's whole wheat cooking class to more regularly use the whole wheat I have in storage.

So, I thought today I would spread the love. I hope you will enjoy some recipes that I've found, and if you have easy soup recipes for me to try send me the link.

Recently I made pumpkin bread with whole wheat flour, and I'm looking forward to trying these pumpkin blender waffles using my wheat berries.

Here's another recipe we've been using weekly, sometimes more, for whole wheat pancakes. I often substitute the milk for powdered milk (to use food storage), and I substitute honey for sugar (hoping that it's more healthy.) I also tried substituting buckwheat for whole wheat. I recently added 45lbs. of buckwheat to my food storage because I'd read that it's great to eat for breakfast. I cook the buckwheat berries in the rice cooker like I would rice and eat it with yogurt and almonds for breakfast instead of oatmeal. I really like oat groats cooked this way too.



Tavia said...

I just made apple strudel this week with fresh grated apples off my friends tree and whole wheat, of course. My husband loved it! I need to get some oat groats though.

Hannah said...

Hi -
I found your blog when I was googling food storage and yours came up since you mentioned it in your post.

That's awesome that you are cooking regularly with your wheat. I just started using mine too, and it's been a lot of fun!

If you ever need any food storage tips or more recipes to use your wheat (or other food storage foods), feel free to check out our blog!

Hannah @