Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If my children's whinning could kill me, I'd be dead.

I started the day telling my son, that he "can do hard things." He insisted that he only wanted to do EASY things and he wanted to have nothing to do with hard things. In my mind I just felt sorry for him. "What kind of adult will he grow into if he never does hard things?" I try motivating him with things he may want. I try taking away privileges he enjoys. He insists on being unmotivated. I get that I have to be consistent. I know this from experience, because if I can be consistent it will pay off.

As I was fighting with myself in my head about what consistency looks like and how to proceed I could only think about how much I'd really like to wake up tomorrow "a better parent." Could I please be magically transformed into someone who knew what I was doing? Could I just be patient, kind, and consistent. Could I hold my kids accountable for every choice they make and not waiver? "Can it PLEASE be easy?"

That's when the irony of the whole thing hit me. What kind of kid will HE be if he doesn't want to do hard things? Exactly like me. In fact, I'm thinking of just quitting too. The biggest problem with that is that I know better.


Jenny said...

Good thoughts. Thanks for sharing. Although I am quite positive that you are being too hard on yourself and not giving yourself NEARLY enough credit.

The Barbers said...

I feel your pain, though for a completely different thing. You are hardly a quitter Jenn and who in this life doesn't get tired of things being hard? From experience, you can't motivate someone, they have to motivate themselves. I realize he's just a child. So we have our expectations and have to allow consequence so they learn that. But you can only do so much. Even for a child.

Seivert/Webb Family said...

...We'd ALL be dead! Some day's are just so hard, it's the weight of the responsibility to raise productive, self sufficient adults; and it's not an easy job. I blogged about this subject a few weeks back, some phases you have it together, and some not at all and you're pretty much at a loss as to what to do, if you're like me you're to darn exhausted to figure it out!

Keep your head up, you're doing better than you think...