Sunday, June 28, 2009

Take Care of Yourself

I have a friend that I visit that leaves me with the same words every time I walk out of her office. I imagine its the same with everyone she visits.

She always says...Take Care of Yourself.

It's not trite or quick. In fact it's exactly the opposite. She says it more like a plea. Love and concern are evident with each word. Take Care of Yourself.

I don't think I noticed it the first few times we met, but as our visits became more frequent I realized it's the same every time. Take Care of Yourself.

Depending on how I'm doing it means something different. In my mind it's basic. She must mean:
Excercise, Eat well, Sleep enough--but not too much, Pray, and Search wisdom (scriptures etc.) Right?

Take Care of Yourself.

Laugh. Love. Work. Play. Have fun.

Defining it almost makes it seem trite, but it's not. It's just different depending on what it means that day.

Take Care of Yourself.


Jessica said...

go here, get him this is inspiring

Carol said...

What a great message. It's so easy to put off taking care of ourselves. I do it all the time. Why don't LDS women think they're deserving? Sometimes it seems like a counter-tactic to try and not be selfish like the world teaches us to be. Or it's a coping mechanism when we feel overwhelmed with life's trials, which the Lord blesses His children with regularly.

Well, take care!