Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I took a few minutes to be thankful as I made potatoes, and sweet potatoes today. I decided on butter. I'm thankful for butter, and all the yummy food I ate that is made with it.

Grandma and Papa brought rolls, stuffing, and fruit salad.

Ross made the perfect turkey...again. He's become quite good at this. Did I mention that I'm thankful for Alton Brown?
Uncle Kevin brought the pies. He also played Magic cards with the boys, who were excited enough to buy their own sets of cards that they washed baseboards yesterday and asked what else they could do to earn money. Yes, I'm even thankful for Magic cards (if something motivates my kids, heck yes, I'm thankful for it).
Today I was thankful for a working oven, and the friends who came over and fixed it. I'm thankful for the new faucet my Dad installed when he came to visit in May. I'm grateful for the new dishwasher that's washing all the dishes (ever so quietly) while I write.

This is Connor, who peeled 65 minutes of extra computer time in potatoes. I told all the kids they could have 5 minutes of computer or video games for every potato peeled. Connor did them all. That was perfectly ok with the other two children who are not pictured.

We took turns expressing gratitude around the dinner table today. It's unanioumous. We are thankful for Family!

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