Friday, December 12, 2008

God's Goodness

I showed up today for my second ever substitute teaching assignment.

I've been a little anxious about getting back into the job market. Maybe I should put that more accurately. I really don't want to work. I've never really planned to work other than take care of my kids, and home, and coach swimming. Those are the two things I love to work at--my job as a mom, and coaching!

I'll go on a tangent here, because I even remember in 5th grade when Ms. McMillan asked us to describe what we want to be when we grow up. I seriously wrote, "I want to marry a rich man, and be a mom." Needless to say she didn't like my answer and asked me to redo it for a surprise poem she was writing. I wouldn't back down and held firm to my first answer.

So, long story short, I'm now a working woman. Or at least pretending to be. In addition to my swimming lessons and swimming coaching, I've signed up to substitute teach. The plan is to get my teaching credential current and hopefully be a full-time teacher by next fall. I've picked up some odd jobs cleaning neighbor's houses, and shadow shopping. I also gave out samples at Wal-mart last Saturday all in addition to a new job I'm being trained in as an optician at Standard Optical. I'm absolutely indebted to my neighbors and friends who are angels come to my aid by helping to watch my children, when they are not in school, so I can go to work.

Which brings me to the title of this post. God's Goodness. Today I was sent another blessing straight from heaven.

Bowling! That's right, I'm not kidding.

When I showed up for my substitute teaching assignment today, which I knew was P.E. (and which is what my 10 year old expired secondary ed. credential is in--along with teaching health) I found out my assignment was to take 3 separate classes to the bowling alley over a period of five hours.

! This was like, my single favorite activity ever in the 3 years I did cub scouts. It's exactly what I pick when my dad comes to town or we get together in the winter and want to have some fun.

Yes, I bowled for free today, and got payed for it.

I told you God is Good!

P.S. Thanks to all who have been praying for us. Thank you. I mean it. Now do you think it would be too much or somehow sacreligious to ask Him again if I can get some more AWESOME substitute teaching assignments that I love! Or, I know, maybe we can pray that I get a long-term sub assignment that I would love, and then turns into a job offer next year. We'll see.


Ash said...

Awesome Jen! I personally hate bowling (hate is maybe a little strong) but I'm glad that you were blessed with it today! Keep holdin on and maybe next week you'll get to go paintballing. :)

Tavia said...

That's a fabulous story...and YES, God is good! So, how were your scores? By the end of the day, you had to have some high scores. I'm so glad that you are being blessed. You deserve it!

Molly said...

(Secret admission here)---I was on the bowling team in high school. We would go every Wednesday after school and bowl 3 games on our little "league". It was so much fun. We were serious for the first 2 games and then got bored and just went nuts on the 3rd.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...You're Awesome Jenn. You are a shining example of someone who is taking on Goliath and I have no doubt that you're going to do it.

Glad to see you back blogging :)