Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't Use the Piano Room as a Bedroom

That was weird. The Stake Presidency just came by my house and wanted to know if they could visit for 5 minutes. I said sure, and invited them into what should be the only clean room in the house. The one room that's only big enough for the piano, a couch and a chair and really it's not big enough for that.

No sooner had I invited them in did I have to dig blankets and clothes off the floor, along with used tissues, socks and books. I had forgotten. My husband has been using this room as his bedroom for the last week. I remember walking by it today while I was home from one job, getting ready to go to the next one, thinking I should pick all that stuff up. But, the thought just as quickly left my mind. If anyone came over I'd have time to pick it up first, right? Wrong.

All three members of the Stake presidency stood there in that room while I hauled everything out in nearly one full swoop and threw it on the stairs as if the room were all clean now. Who was more embarrassed? Them or me?

I'm still not sure why they stopped by. I guess it's so that I know that the Lord is aware of me and my needs. But, I already knew that.


Natalie said...

Jen - I love your blog. You make me smile and you make me think... two very important things in life! thanks. :)

Carol said...

Murphey's Law says you can only have important, surprise visitors on the day when there are clothes, blankets and used tissues in the one room they plan to sit in.