Monday, May 4, 2009

Broken Moores

One of the problems with keeping a family blog updated is that families have things happen that are really no one else's business. Kinda like this.

So, I'll keep it short.

The IronMoores are the BrokenMoores.

We've been a bit broken for awhile. Now, it's a little more official. Ross is staying with his parents. We hope we'll get it together again soon. We're working on some stuff.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. I've felt uplifted by everyone's help, and believe me I need it. Plus, I appreciate it so much.

Here's to hoping that this separation (with the help of professional counseling) will be the best thing for our family!


Crystal said...

Oh Jenn, I'm so sorry. You guys will be in my prayers. I know you'll come through this. And I'm so sorry your visiting teachers have been such slackers while you are going through this. I am here for you!

Blogging to Blog said...

I have been thinking about you lately, and wondering how you are. It sounds like life is a little upside down at your house. I'll keep you and your famiy in my prayers.

The Michiganders said...

We are praying for your family. I am so sorry! Hang in there.

Natalie said...

Jenn, I'm sorry. Whatever I can do please let me help. When can Breanne come to play? You know, I"m just a shout over the fence. I'm thinking and praying for you.

Seivert/Webb Family said...

Oh, Jennifer I am SO SORRY.

The Barbers said...

I guess you could have used a little less of my talking and more listening when you were here. I will keep y'all in my prayers as well. My heart aches for you. Love you.

Carol said...

One of my all time favorite quotes is by Howard W. Hunter: "If you have troubles at home with children who stray, if you suffer financial reverses and emotional strain that threatens your homes and your happiness, if you must face the loss of life or health, may peace be unto your soul. We will not be tempted beyond our ability to withstand. Our detours and disappointments are the straight and narrow path to him.

Remember, broken doesn't mean unfixable.

I love you, Jenn!

JED MAIL said...

My heart is aching from far, far away.

Take Carol's comment to heart!
