Sunday, May 10, 2009

Carrots for Breakfast--Best Mother's Day Present Ever

I don't normally eat carrots for breakfast, but today I ate the best carrots ever. They were brought to me on a tray w/ oranges, pancakes, yogurt and granola and a tall glass of milk. The kids brought me breakfast in bed. It was very thoughtful and extremely well done. Especially when you take into account the fact that Connor can hardly feed himself. More on that here.

The carrots especially made an impression on me. Maybe they really were listening when I said you should have vegetables at every meal.

Now that's a Mother's Day present every one wants!


Crystal said...

That's so sweet of them! Happy Mothers Day to you, Jenn.

Unknown said...

Nothing says I Love You like carrots, esp. the organic baby carrots from Costco. I'm addicted to those things! Happy Mother's Day!

Natalie said...

That's so cute... I love it when the kids do things like that.

Tavia said...

Sometimes it doesn't matter what is served, it's the thought...and even better that they were paying attention and following your advice. LOL