Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Parenting Breakthrough a real-life plan to teach your kids to work, save money, and be truly independent

So...I'm reading The Parenting Breakthrough, a real-life plan to teach your kids to work, save money, and be truly independent by Merrilee Browne Boyack. First of all I recognize that I desperately NEED this book. On page 27 as part of "the plan" for raising independent children it lists activities and the ages at which your children should perform given tasks. For example, "make sandwiches" is listed under what 4 year olds should be doing for themselves, along with brushing teeth, making breakfast, cleaning room and making bed.

Ok, I've failed, because at age 7, Connor doesn't make his own sandwiches. In fact if ever a kid came out of the womb with a natural inclination to be waited on he does. We've made jokes forever that his younger sister will happily do for Connor what he doesn't want to do. Well, because of this book I now have a "plan" to change all this.

Connor had to make his own sandwich for lunch today, which he did without complaining until it was time to clean it up. He was hungry. He wanted to eat. He did not want to clean it up. So the complaining started. "How come I have to make my own sandwich, anyway?" I explained how we want him to grow up to be an independent, wise man, who is capable, strong, and helpful. This is what the book says to do, so I was prepared. "Learning these things when you're young will really help you." I held back my laugh when he said, "Yea, but when I grow up, my wife will make me my sandwich." And so I smiled and said, "She might, Connor, but what will YOU do for her, so that she'll want to?" He said, "I'll buy her things like necklaces." I was laughing inside but I tried not to show it.

"Oh," I said "That might work but you'll need money to buy those and you'll need to learn to work to make money." Connor's still making me laugh from the other room because I can hear him say, (and he's got his chest puffed out like he's bigger and he's speaking in a deep voice) "I give you a wedding ring, now make me a sandwich." Oh, Merrilee, I've got a lot to learn from your book. I suppose, though, that from observing Breanne's interaction with him that she would be content marrying this kind of man. Only time will tell. In the meantime I will do all I can and will continue to read and probably reread the book.

(As a side note, I met Merrilee's oldest son, Connor yesterday at a Humanitarian service project called Serving with Smiles. He's a spokesperson these days for Mothers Without Borders. I've never met his mom, but I'm sure I would like her. I was of course very impressed with her son who was well-spoken, kind, and very capable. A good catch for his new wife I'm sure.)


Julie said...

Jen - I am always looking for good parenting books and this sounds like a great one, although at the moment Conner probably wouldn't agree =)

I am wondering about allowances for my kids. What does your family do?

We love reading all of you family's blogs. I hope you are able to read ours.

We are going to Disney Land next week so in April we ought to have some new and exciting posts.

The Barbers said...

Well, my four year old just made her own first sandwich the other night, without any prodding. She does the other things you listed accept make breakfast and it will be quite a while before I let her cook bacon and eggs and such!
Connor cracks me up but I was quite impressed with your responses to him. You sound like a great mom Jenn, even if we could all use some suggestions every now and then!

Jenn said...

From an email I got from Merrilee:

How fun you have a Connor! Ha! Sounds like you got the book in the nick of time ! :)
Yes, my Connor has turned out to be an amazing human being. It is so wonderful to have adult children and see these great men who have incredible hearts. Not a common combo . . . Be sure and look at the next book - 52 Weeks of Fun Family Service because it gives the key to helping them turn out that way. Enjoy!
(And tell your Connor hello from the toilet-book lady :) And tell Breanne her maid-servant days are OVER! :)

So glad it helps! Enjoy!

Jenn said...

From my friend and BYU swim coach. After reading this post she sent me this email.
The swim team was at that very Fort over Christmas. Yes, we were in San Juan, Puerto Rico. You look like your life is as full as ever. What beautiful kids. Can Ross make his own sandwich?
Love ya,