Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The day I've been waiting for

Four years ago when Collin first joined the swim team Breanne was 1 and Connor was 3. I knew the day would come when all the kids would be able to swim in a meet. Yesterday was that day. Of course, I am a very proud swim mom. My kids are Awesome! and pretty good swimmers too.If these pictures tell us anything, it's that their moods swing from high to low. I love this one of Connor and his new toothless grin. He was excited to swim and performed very well.
Collin is the most vocal about his dislike of swimming meets. He swam incredibly well and was very proud of his good effort. I was proud of him too. I think he's most happy about the pizza he knows mom will get him when he puts in his best effort.
Breanne actually swam really well at the meet and had tons of fun with her friends. This picture portrays the fat lip she was giving her dad in an attempt to bully him into buying her pizza in addition to the snowcone she just had. For such a happy, free spirit she sure is moody. If I remember right her passport picture looks something like this. Wonder if she'll regret that someday?
She really did love swimming in the meet. We've got video of her first 25 freestyle, which we'll have to post soon because it's so darling I can't help myself.
Way to go Ironmoores! Keep up the good work. You make your mama proud!


Natalie said...

I think you need to teach Hannah how to swim...the city swimming lessons just aren't doing the trick! Good job Moore Kids!!!

Unknown said...

Go Fish Moores...I mean...Moore Kids! That's awesome.