Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Family Home Evening

Should I admit it? Sometimes family home evening is less than pleasant. I can't imagine that's much of a news flash to anyone who's actually tried doing it. But perhaps it's somewhat comforting to know that we are all in the same boat together.

But...everyone once in awhile the lesson is inspiring, the kids manage not to hurt each other, and we get through the evening realizing we've enjoyed each other's company. We had one of these last night Wohoo!

Courtney used her unique abilities to make us a cool chart assigning each of the lesson, conducting, scripture, song and prayer. This is different for us because normally Ross conducts chooses someone on the spot for prayer and song and I do the lesson and the dessert. Every once in awhile I'll get the kids to help. I've been pretty pleased with this scenario because at least we're having family home evening. Now we have an even better way that works really great with 8 kids and 3 parents.

Last night Jordyn and Breanne worked together on the lesson and it was incredible. Can we keep Jordyn year round? Breanne was beaming as she presented the part of the lesson that Jordyn assigned her. I nearly cried with joy when the two of them together taught us. It was one of those mom "moments" Elder Ballard talked about at conference. I'm writing it down to capture it.

The night was nearly perfect, but of course we couldn't get through it without someone eventually falling apart. Luke chose the activity, trampoline dodge ball. That's pretty fun until some five year old gets beamed in the head, or another five year old gets told they have to get off the trampoline because they just got hit with the ball, again. We have 3 five year olds right now. Hey we made it through nearly an hour of family home evening before the melt downs. I'll say it again, Wohoo!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I'm suprised you made it 10 minutes without a meltdown. Sounds like a great success to me!