Thursday, August 14, 2008

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I don't normally watch t.v. We get 5 channels and that's great because the kids can watch PBS a little, and on Sunday evening we usually gather for Funniest Home Videos. We stopped watching the news a few years ago when Collin asked us, "Why does everyone hate Americans?" It was either that or when he was asking me at the age of 4 what "rape" was. We learned to read our news on the internet. But even now, if something big is going on in the world, I usually find it out from people who saw it on the news who tell me. That's ok with me. Plus, Ross isn't one of those guys who needs Sports Center, so we get along fine with a 20 year old t.v. and a few channels. That's until now! We've sat and watched several hours of Olympics together and plan to watch more. I'm LOVING IT!

It's AMAZING! I'm having a great time watching Micheal Phleps, and Natalie Couglin, Aaron Piersol, and Jason Lezak, and I could go and on naming swimmer after swimmer. I'm in heaven. Aren't you?

Another thing that's really fun is talking to everyday people (who normally don't follow swimming) about swimming. How fun is that! Anyone want to get together and watch underwater video, and pick apart details about why some of these guys are so incredible? That's fun for me.

I don't just watch swimming, though. I was a tiny bit surprised by how much I loved watching the women's cycling 70K road race. I felt like a little kid all over again, thinking, "I wonder if I could do that someday?" Yes, I'm inspired by the Olympics.

Today the Stacey's move out. This weekend I will continue to watch the Olympics and then Monday the kids will go to their first day of school. Is anyone as giddy as I am?

1 comment:

Ross Kellyn Moore, JD said...

Jenn, I'm glad you posted on this. As a family we so rarely watch any TV together, it was fun to have you sit down with us and have us all be thrilled by it together. It was like watching "IronMoores TV." It was especially fun to see how much the kids enjoyed watching swimming, since that is such a big part of your influence and legacy with them.

You're a great Mom. I'm glad you spent that time with us. It was great.