Monday, September 21, 2009

Broken Moores on the Mend

One of my girlfriends who was out of town for church last week said, "I heard you and Ross were sitting together again at church." To which I had to reply, "It's not just a rumor. It's true."

I have another friend who asks me almost daily, "I saw Ross' car here again. How are you guys doing?"

The truth, "There is a lot of pain, and I'm not sure how we are really going to make this work but, today again, so far so good." The other truth, "Things have changed a ton for the better. It's awesome!"

"It sounds like you are cautiously optimistic." So I guess that describes it.

I have heard each of the children pray either separately or together, "Thank you that mommy and daddy are back together."

My prayers are full of gratitude too--and continual pleas for guidance and help. Perhaps like it should be, that hasn't changed a whole lot.