Saturday, September 5, 2009

Snapshot in words from the kids this weekend

At dinner when Connor, who has plenty of ketchup, but is about to pour more on his plate...
Me: You don't need any more ketchup. You only have two tater tots left.
Connor: Yes, but I have 5 fingers.

Breanne listening to the radio in the car.
Bree: Singing and dancing really make me feel happy.

Collin about visiting the Christi McAuliff Space Center overnight camp.
Collin: I guess most of the people who really like this stuff are geeks and nerds. I don't care because it's the coolest thing EVER!


Jenny said...

Collin's is my favorite. Gotta love it!

Ash said...

I love it! This is a great snapshot!

Tavia said...

Thanks for sharing...yeah, they say the silliest things.