Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day

Has anyone ever known me to celebrate this holiday? I can't even think of a time I ever have...until now. At the urging of a neighbor friend, (who grew up with 4 older brothers--she's got some practice with this holiday) I decided to do a prank on my family. The only thing I could think of is one I saw my mom do on the missionaries when I was a kid. Does anyone else remember this?

I frosted 2 sponges stacked on top of each other with loads of chocolate frosting and left it out on the table for the kids and Ross to salivate over until near bedtime. (We waited to cut into it until Collin got home from dress rehersal.) I ended up giving away my secret to Ross and we let Collin cut the cake. After several minutes of trying to cut it I had to finally tell them, "April's Fools" to which Breanne immediately came undone crying uncontrollably while Connor surprised me by saying, "Oh, well the frosting's still good." He dove in head first and started just licking the sponge clean. He had it all over his hands and face in less than 2 seconds. Breanne quickly followed. Collin seemed like he was still in shock when I pulled out my back up plan, brownies. We spent the rest of the time eating frosting, brownies and talking about what the kids had experienced at school for April Fools. Breanne can hardly wait to pull a prank tomorrow, but hopefully we convinced her to wait until next year. Maybe by then I'll have the gumption not to give away my secret to Ross. Having already done the only trick up my sleeve I'll probably need a year just to think of the right prank. I'm taking suggestions.


LindsayAdamAmayaOlivia said...

So my freshman year in college, I was living in Helaman Halls and my friend Margaret had been dating this guy Craig for about 2 months. We decided to play a prank on Craig.
So we all go down to the track that in right there by Helaman Halls. We were going to 'run'. So me and three other girls PLUS Margaret and Craig start running. Margaret starts to complain of her side hurting and tells Craig to run ahead. Craig is eager to show his man-li-ness so he starts running out way in front of everyone else. Goes around the track....and just when you can hear his footsteps coming up on us again Margaret totally falls to the asphalt and pretends to loose consiousness. Craig screams a terribly profanity, that won't be repeated but forever remembered, and runs to take her in his arms...starts shaking her.....Margaret...Margaret!!! She opens her eyes and starts cracking up as we all shout APRIL FOOLS! He stormed off and didn't talk to us for days after. HAHAHAHA Okay, It was mean but we were freshman and it was HILARIOUS at the time!

Ash said...

Not to take away from your funny joke, Jenn, but this comment from Lindsay made me laugh for a minute and a half straight. It felt good to laugh like that. And good job for attempting a good joke. I thought about it, but just couldn't think of anything good. I'm apparently not the one to ask for suggestions.