Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Who taught you how to ride a bike?

I have a theory that we always remember who taught us how to ride a bike. Do you?

For me it was the missionaries, if I remember correctly it was Elder Horrocks.

I had a bike with a yellow banana seat and I loved it as much as I loved the big wheel before it. Once I could ride a bike I was no longer confined to going down the neighbor's driveway on my big wheel or roller skates, now I could really go somewhere--like around the block.

Breanne found this new freedom yesterday when Jen L. taught her how to ride her bike. Ok, I'm a little disappointed it wasn't me who held the seat for her the first time she went off on her own, but I'm still happy that she's found her freedom from training wheels.
Jen, can you coach her on swim team this summer, too?

1 comment:

Molly said...

My dad taught me. We were at a yard sale and they had this HUGE bike. I told him I wanted it, and he said I had to prove that I could ride it first. I trampled the poor ladies flowers, but my dad got me the bike, so I guess I did okay.