Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Relearning Empathy

A few years ago I took the Love and Logic parenting class offered at the nearby rec center. I remember one of the steps in the process of teaching our children responsibility was to "Express Empathy." I even remember it working when I tried it.

I have had conversations with Courtney about this too. In fact I've watched her evolve and change and express empathy to her children, to me, and other people, in ways that surprised me. She's been a great example to me.
Now again, I picked up a book, Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, by John Gottman that has brought this point to me again. In fact, I've read lots of parenting books that when I think about it also shared this advise.

I remembered today why--because it works! I'm commited to show empathy to my children and you can hold me accountable.

My hope is that someday I'll find what it says on page 125, "You'll recognize your interactions as precioius opportunities and you'll value aspects that others might miss. And when you look back, you'll see your relationship with your child as you would a treaured string of pearls."


Stacey Fam said...

Awww...Schucks! You're way too kind. I still have a long way to go! Love, Court

Unknown said...

Oh man! I want some of those pearls! You guys do a great job.