Sunday, April 6, 2008

Which conference talk was your favorite?

I really liked Sister Tanner "delighting" in so many things.

I also liked Elder Ballard speaking on how to help young mothers. I have to say I especially liked his advise from the pulpit for mothers to fill their own bucket with things they enjoy in order to have something to give.

And I was really touched by President Monson sharing some personal experiences of his wife. I had no idea she was in a coma for 27 days? He reminded me, if I remember this right, that my husband needs to hear me say kind words of affirmation.

Those were just a few things that stood out to me. Anyone else?


Stacey Fam said...

I also loved M Russell Ballard's talk. How he was sitting with the kids and the cheerios got away from him and she was up on the stand smiling. That made me giggle. I also liked Elder Holland's comments about seeing the mantle rest on Pres Monson. He is more sober. I also REALLY liked being apart of History with the Solemn Assembly- it was very touching to me! Oh- and Elder Bednar's talk on faith. And Elder Christofferson's humility and humor in being newly called. I better stop there.

Ash said...

I really enjoyed Elder Wirthlin's talk. He is so humble and really seems to exude the light of Christ. I always feel the spirit so strong when he speaks. And of course I loved the talk on mothers. That was great to hear.